2004 Statistical Analysis

(Facility based)
CY 2004

AGE : Mean age of 29 years
SEX : Ratio of male to female 9:1
CIVIL STATUS : Single 53.15%
FAMILY SIZE : Three (3) to four (4) siblings
OCCUPATION : Unemployed 38%
Workers / Employees 29.53%
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT : High School level 28.93%
ECONOMIC STATUS:Average monthly family income P13,553.36
PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (specifically NCR)
DURATION OF DRUG TAKING : More than six (6) years
NATURE OF DRUG – TAKING : Poly drug use
DRUGS OF ABUSE : Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
                                 Cannabis (Marijuana)
                                 Cough/Cold Preparations

*Residential and Out-Patient Facility


       For the year 2004, the reported cases were predominantly male with a ratio of 9:1. Most of them are single (53.15%) while the rest are either married (32.26%); with live-in partners (7.57%), or were separated (5.94%).

       The highest percent distribution of center clients is steady within the age groups 25-29 and 20-24, with 21.50% and 19.70%, respectively. The mean or average age is 29 years old.

(Facility – Based)
CY 2004

                                                   MALE             FEMALE       GRAND TOTAL
NEW ADMISSIONS 4,196 72.51 484 8.36 4,680 80.87
READMISSIONS 840 14.52 47 0.81 887 15.33
OUT – PATIENT 189 3.27 31 0.54 220 3.80
T O T A L 5,225 90.29 562 9.71 5,787 100.00

* Total reported cases from residential and out-patient facilities


The Integrated Central Case Registry and Monitoring System (ICCRMS)

       Year-end submissions for 2004 received from 53 residential and 1 outpatient facilities reporting with the DDB revealed a total of 5,787 cases for the year to include 4,680 (80.87%) new admissions, 887 admissions, relapse and outpatient cases as compared to the figures of 2003. This may be attributable to the high cost of treatment in private rehabilitation centers, which may have served as a deterrent for drug dependents to seek the appropriate intervention.

       The region with the most number of cases of 2004 is the NCR with 51.46%. Regions IV-A (16.81%), III (16.54%), VII (4.94%), and XI (3.75%) follow to complete the first five ranking. The least number of cases come from the ARMM with only .03%.

       As to educational attainment, those who were in the high school level has the highest percent distribution with 28.93% followed closely by those in the college level with 27.91% while 16.76% were clients who have graduated in high school before they sought treatment and rehabilitation.

       With regard to the classification of patients, 38% of the total cases were employed, 29.53% were workers, 8.92% were either businessmen or self-employed, 5.37% were students, and .79% were out-of-school youth prior to their admission for treatment.

       Of the total workers’/employees’ group of 1,709, the unskilled workers (those who are untrained or inexperienced like the bet takers, baggers, barkers, etc.) ranked first with 39.20%. Following closely are the semi-skilled ones (those who require less training and exercise less independent judgment such as the service crews, tailors, drivers, and others who operate machines) with 37.39%. The professionals comprised 17.50% while the skilled workers (those who have been trained or are experts in a particular occupation like the technicians, chefs, etc.) represented 5.91%.

       The average family monthly income of the center clients rose to ₱13,553.36 from the previous year’s ₱12,358.48.

       84.45% of the total cases abused Shabu, Marijuana (31.73%); cough/cold preparations (3.73%); benzodiazephines (3.72%) inhalants (3.28%); Ecstasy (1.43%); Cocaine (1.26%); Nalbuphine Hydrochloride (.81%); opium (.90%); Psilocybin (.19%); Mescaline (.10%); and Datura or “Talampunay” (.07%).

(Facility Based)*

DRUGS USED / ABUSED NEW ADMISSIONS RE-ADMISSIONS OUT-PATIENT GRAND TOTAL % based on the total number of responses (7,703) % based on the total number of admissions (5,787)
1. SHABU (STIMULANT) 3,929 807 151 4,887 63.44 84.45
2. MARIJUANA (CANNABIS) 1,395 289 152 1,836 23.83 31.73
3. COUGH / COLD PREPARATIONS 157 59   216 2.80 3.73
4. BENZODIAZEPINES 138 77   215 2.79 3.72
5. INHALANTS 161 14 15 190 2.47 3.28
6. ECSTASY (STIMULANT) 70 13   83 1.08 1.43
7. COCAINE (STIMULANT) 51 22   73 0.95 1.26
8. OPIUM (MORPHINE / HEROIN) 27 25   52 0.68 0.90
9. NUBAIN (NARCOTIC / ANALGESIC) 25 22   47 0.61 0.81
10. PSILOCYBIN (MAGIC MUSHROOM) 8 3   11 0.14 0.19
11. MESCALINE (HALLUCINOGEN) 5 1   6 0.08 0.10
12. DATURA (TALAMPUNAY) 4     4 0.05 0.07
OTHER DRUGS 62 23   83 1.08 1.43
TOTAL       7,703 100.00  

        Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, commonly known as Shabu, remains as the no. 1 drug of abuse with 4,887 cases (63.43%). Marijuana is in No. 2 with 1,836 cases (23.83%) while in the third position are the cough/cold preparations having 216 cases (2.80%). Benzodiazepines were also commonly used by 215 (2.79%). Inhalants came in at fifth with 190 (2.47%) cases while Ecstasy ranks sixth with 83 (1.08%) cases.

       The routes of administration are that of inhalation or sniffing and oral ingestion.

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