2013 Statistical Analysis

(Facility Based)*
CY 2013

     AGE : Mean age of  30 years
     SEX : Ratio of male to female 13:1
     CIVIL STATUS : Single 50.52%
     STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT : Unemployed  42.74%
     EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT : College Level 32%
     ECONOMIC STATUS : Average Monthly Family Income Php 15,671
     PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (Specifically NCR  51.29%)
     DURATION OF DRUG – TAKING : More than six (6) years
     NATURE OF DRUG – TAKING : Poly drug use**
                                        Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
                                        Cannabis (Marijuana)
                                        Inhalants (Contact Cement Adhesive)

  *  Residential and Out-Patient Facilities
**  Poly drug users –  abuse of more than one (1) drug




(Facility Based)*
CY 2013

 No.  %  No. %   No.  %
 NEW ADMISSION  2,430  74.40  188  5.76  2,618  80.16
 RE-ADMISSION  428  13.10  18  0.55  446  13.66
 OUT-PATIENT  169  5.17  33  1.01  202  6.18
 TOTAL  3,027 92.68   239  7.32  3,266  100.00

*  Total Reported Cases from Residential and Out-Patient Facilities




CY 2013

A total of 3,266 admissions were reported for the year under review.  Of this number, 2,618 were first time admissions, 446 were relapsed cases or re-admitted either in the same or different facility and 202 had sought treatment to an out-patient facility. These cases were based from the reports submitted by thirty-one (31) residential and one (1) out-patient facilities nationwide.  

Around ninety-three percent (92.68%) of the admitted cases were males and seven percent (7.32%) were females. The ratio of male to female is 10:1.

Of the total admission, both age groups of 30-34 and 40 and above reported at more than nineteen percent (19.38% and 19.35%)  while more than seventeen percent (17.64%) were those in the 25-29 age bracket.  The average age is 30 years old.

Half of the admitted cases were single (50.52%), while thirty-three percent (32.61%) were married. Seventeen percent (16.87%) reported to have live-in partners or separated, widow/er and divorced.

Based on the educational attainment, thirty-two percent (32%) of the center clients comprised those who have reached college level, followed by those who reached high school with twenty-five percent (24.56%) and who finished high school at fifteen percent (15.06%).

The average monthly family income among center clients is P 15,671.  The lowest monthly income was reported to be five hundred pesos (P 500).

Of the total admission from various treatment facilities, more than forty percent (42.74%) were unemployed, twenty-seven percent (26.55%) were workers/employees, seventeen percent (16.78%) were businessman/self-employed and the rest were OSY and students with almost 14 percent (13.93%).

As to the area of residence, fifty-one percent (51.29%) were residing in the National Capital Region (NCR) prior to their admission to rehabilitation.  Seventeen percent (16.84%) came from Region IV-A, followed by Region III with fourteen percent (14.45%).  

Sixty-three percent (63.17%) of the clients reported that peers/friends were their primary source of drugs and thirty-one percent (30.77%) were pushers.  

As to drug of use, eighty-three percent (83.50%) reported methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) as their drugs/substances of abuse, followed by Cannabis (marijuana, brownies, seeds, hashish) with twenty eight percent (28.02%) and inhalants specifically contact cement adhesive (rugby) with three percent (3.18%).  Other drugs/substances of abuse include solvent, cocaine, benzodiazepines, MDMA (ecstasy),  nalbuphine hydrochloride (nubain), cough/cold preparations and ketamine.

There was an increase in admission from 2012 to 2013 by nineteen percent (19.02%). The reasons to this increase may be attributed to the following: the anti-drug abuse council of the local government units has become active in the anti-drug campaign in their localities; drug dependents go for voluntary confinement because the parents/guardians became supportive of them; rehabilitation programs and methodology were improved and the awareness of the people have increased on anti-drugs laws because of proper dissemination of information and the media.  

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