2014 Statistical Analysis
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
NEW ADMISSION | 3,116 | 70.95 | 272 | 6.19 | 3,388 | 77.14 |
RE-ADMISSION | 733 | 16.69 | 39 | 0.89 | 772 | 17.58 |
OUT-PATIENT | 211 | 4.80 | 21 | 0.48 | 232 | 5.28 |
TOTAL | 4,060 | 92.44 | 332 | 7.56 | 4,392 | 100.00 |
* Total Reported Cases from Residential and Out-Patient Facilities
(Facility Based)*
AGE : Mean age of 30 years
SEX : Ratio of male to female 12:1
CIVIL STATUS : Single 49.07%
STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT : Unemployed 47.59%
ECONOMIC STATUS : Average Monthly Family Income Php 15,423
PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (Specifically NCR 45.56%)
DURATION OF DRUG – TAKING : More than six (6) years
NATURE OF DRUG – TAKING : Poly drug use**
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) Cannabis (Marijuana)
Inhalants (Contact Cement Adhesive)
* Residential and Out-Patient Facilities
** Poly drug users – abuse of more than one (1) drug
Based on the reports submitted by twenty-nine (29) residential and two (2) non-residential treatment and rehabilitation facilities, there were a total of 4,392 admissions reported in the year 2014. Of this number, 3,388 were admitted for the first time, 772 were relapsed or re-admitted cases either in the same or different facility and 232 were reported to have sought treatment to an out-patient facility.
Ninety-two percent (92.44%) of the admitted cases were males and almost eight percent (7.56%) were females. The ratio of male to female is 12:1.
Those who belong to the 30-34 age group comprised most of the admitted cases with twenty percent (20.24%), followed by those who were in the 40 and above bracket with nineteen percent (18.78%) and 25-29 age group with eighteen percent (17.78%). The average age is 30 years old. The youngest was 9 years old and the oldest was 78 years old.
Almost half of the admitted cases were single (49.07%), while thirty-three percent (33.31%) were married. Fourteen percent (14.46%) reported to have live-in partners and the remaining three percent (3.17%) were either separated, widow/er or divorced.
Based on the educational attainment, thirty percent (29.83%) of the center clients comprised those who have reached college level, followed by those who reached high school with twenty-five percent (24.68%) and those who finished high school at sixteen percent (15.73%).
Most of the admitted cases belong to the 5,999.00 and below income group with twenty-three percent (22.52%). The average monthly family income among center clients is PhP 15,423.00.
Of the total admission, forty-eight percent (47.59%) were unemployed, twenty-seven percent (26.73%) were workers/employees, eleven percent (11.43%) were businessman/self-employed, 8 percent (7.65%) were OSY and four percent (4.12%) were students.
Forty-six percent (45.56%) of the reported cases were residing in the National Capital Region (NCR) prior to their rehabilitation, while sixteen percent came from both
Region 4-A (16.46%) and Region 3 (16.39%).
As to the age when the client first tried to use drugs, forty-eight percent (47.79%) of the reported cases belong to the 15-19 age group. Half of the reported cases (50.30%) have taken drugs 2 to 5 times a week while twenty-one percent (21.20%) have it on a daily basis.
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) remains to be the primary drug of abuse among center clients with ninety-one percent (91.23%) of the total admission, followed by Cannabis (Marijuana) with thirty-six percent (35.77%). Both Inhalants (contact cement adhesive) and Benzodiazepines (Diazepam) users/abusers were reported at two percent (1.68% and 1.64% respectively).
There was a large increase by 34 percent (34.48%) of admission from the previous year and the reasons for these increase may be brought about by the following:
a) continuous effort of the government especially the local government unit in the combat against drug abuse through monitoring and assessment. They made sure that there are drug treatment facility which are available and accessible in every regions of the country;
b) love and support of the family in the treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of their loved ones who were hooked into drugs. Drug dependents voluntarily submit themselves for treatment and rehabilitation in either government or private facility knowing that their families were behind them and
c) drug treatment and rehabilitation workers tried their best to improve their programs, methodologies, facilities and services. In-house seminars and dialogues were conducted to better serve those who need interventions.