2015 Statistical Analysis

(Facility Based)*
CY 2015
No. % No.  % No. %
NEW ADMISSION 4,010 74.23 315 5.83 4,325 80.06
RE-ADMISSION 1,031 19.09 46 0.85 1,077 19.94
TOTAL 5,041 93.32 361 6.68 5,402 100.00

* Total Reported Cases from Residential Facilities


(Facility Based)*
CY 2015

• AGE : Mean age of 31 years
• SEX : Ratio of male and female 14:1
• CIVIL STATUS : Single 49.13%
• STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT : Unemployed 53.20%
• EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT : College Level 28.34%
• ECONOMIC STATUS : Average Monthly Family Income Php 10,172.00
• PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (specifically NCR 43.89%)
• DURATION OF DRUG – TAKING : More than six (6) years
• NATURE OF DRUG – TAKING : Poly drug use**
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
Cannabis (Marijuana)
*Residential Facilities
**Poly drug users – abuse of more than one (1) drug


CY 2015

A total of five thousand four hundred-two (5,402) admissions are reported by the different facilities nationwide. Of this number, four thousand three hundred twenty-five (4,325) are new admissions, one thousand seventy-seven (1,077) are relapsed or re-admitted cases from either the same or different facilities. There are, however, no reported out-patient cases for this year. These are based from the reports submitted by thirty-one (31) residential facilities nationwide.

An increase of thirty percent (29.86%) admission compared from the previous year was noted which may be brought about by the following: Intensified advocacy program of the government to convince families to love and support those who have drug problems and need to undergo treatment and rehabilitation; the continuous improvement of treatment and rehabilitation programs, methodologies, facilities and service; and conduct of In- house seminars and dialogues to better serve those who need interventions.

On the other hand, the intensified operations conducted by the law enforcement that led to the increasing arrests of users for rehabilitation may also be attributed to the increase of admission to the treatment and rehabilitation facilities

Demographic Characteristics

Around ninety-three percent (93.32%) of the admitted cases are males and seven percent (6.68%) are females. The ratio of male to female is 14:1 with a mean age of 31 years old. The youngest is 10 years old while the eldest is 67 years old, and the highest percentage belongs to age group of 30 – 34 years old with one thousand ninety-three cases (1,093) and with an equivalent to twenty percent (20.23%).

Almost half of the total admitted cases are single, with forty-nine percent(49.13%) followed by married with a total percent of thirty-four (34.08), while the rest is almost seventeen percent (16.79%) represents live-in, widow/er, separated and divorced.

Based on the educational attainment, twenty-eight percent (28.34%) of the center clients comprised those who have reached college level, followed by those who reached high school with twenty-three percent (23.12%) and those who have finished high school at eighteen percent (18.35%).

The average monthly family income among center clients is ten thousand one hundred seventy-two pesos (Php10,172.00).

Of the total admission from various treatment facilities, fifty-three percent (53.20%) are unemployed, twenty percent (19.77%) are skilled/unskilled workers, and seven percent (6.94%) are out–of-school youth.

Almost forty-four percent (43.89%) of the reported cases are residing in the National Capital Region (NCR) prior to their rehabilitation, while eighteen percent (18.59%) and seventeen percent (17.27%) come from Region IV-A and Region IV-B respectively.

As to the age when the client first tried to use drugs, around forty-nine percent (48.85%) of the reported cases belong to the age group of 15-19 years old. Almost fifty-nine percent (58.52%) have taken drugs 2 – 5 times a week while twenty-one percent (20.64%) take it on a daily basis.

Most Commonly Abused Drugs

Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu) remains to be the primary drug of abuse among center clients with ninety-seven percent (96.74%) of the total admission, followed by Cannabis (Marijuana) at around twenty-five percent (24.94%) and Cocaine with one percent (1.11%). The nature of drug taking remained to be poly-drug user.

The routes of administration are inhalation/sniffing and oral ingestion.

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