2018 Statistical Analysis
(Facility Based)
CY 2018
• AGE : Mean age of 32 years old
• SEX : Ratio of Male to Female (9:1)
• CIVIL STATUS : Single (51.20%)
• STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT : Unemployed (50.06%)
• EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT : High School Level (28.14%)
• ECONOMIC STATUS : Average Family Income Php 11,265.10
• PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (specifically NCR (4.81%)
• DURATION OF DRUG USE : More than six (6) years
• NATURE OF DRUG TAKING : Mono drug use (abuse of 1 drug only)
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
Cannabis (Marijuana)
Contact Cement (Rugby)
Profile of Drug Users
For the year 2018, fifty-four (54) treatment and rehabilitation facilities reported to the Treatment and Rehabilitation Information System (TRAIS). Of this, fifty-one (51) facilities are residential and three (3) are outpatient.
From the facilities reporting, a total of five thousand, four hundred forty-seven (5,447) admissions were recorded. Five thousand, one hundred eighty-eight (5,188) of this are new cases, one hundred seventy-one (171) are relapsed or readmitted cases and eighty-eight (88) have sought treatment in an out-patient facility.
A significant increase in admission (34.66%) as compared to previous year was observed. The continuous and relentless efforts of law enforcement and immediate response of local government units in the all-out campaign to eradicate the drug problem, assisting identified individuals with problems on drug use to avail treatment and rehabilitation programs, and the plea bargaining agreement which comprise almost twenty-five percent (24.89%) of the admissions, may have contributed to the increase.