History of DDB

Statistical Analysis
CY 2019

(Facility Based)*
CY 2019
No. % No. % No. % No. %
NEW ADMISSION 4,557 87.18 535 10.24 27 0.52 5,119 97.93
RE-ADMISSION 21 0.40 1 0.02 22 0.42
OUT-PATIENT 75 1.43 11 0.21 86 1.65
TOTAL 4,653 89.02 547 10.46 27 0.52 5,227 100.00

* Total Reported Cases from Residential and Out-Patient Facilities


(Facility Based)
CY 2019

• AGE : Mean age of 32 years old; Median of 33 years
• SEX : Ratio of Male to Female 9:1
• CIVIL STATUS : Single (49.28%)
• STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT : Employed (55.31%)
• EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT : High School Level (27.99%)
• ECONOMIC STATUS : Average Family Income Php 13,695.65
• PLACE OF RESIDENCE : Urban (Specifically NCR 32.41%)
• DURATION OF DRUG USE : More than six (6) years
• NATURE OF DRUG TAKING : Mono drug use (abuse of 1 drug only)
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu)
Cannabis (Marijuana)
Contact Cement (Rugby)


A total of fifty-five (55) treatment and rehabilitation facilities reported to the Treatment and Rehabilitation Admission Information System (TRAIS). Of this, fifty-three (53) are residential and two (2) are outpatient.

From the facilities reporting, a total of five thousand two hundred twenty-seven (5,227) admissions were recorded. Five thousand one hundred nineteen (5,119) of this are new cases, twenty-two (22) are readmitted cases and eighty-six (86) have undergone treatment in an outpatient facility.

A slight decrease of 4.04% (220) in admission as compared to previous year was noted. This could be largely attributable to the community-based drug rehabilitation program (CBDRP) wherein those diagnosed as low to moderate risk need not enter treatment and rehabilitation program in a facility. Instead they are enrolled and given appropriate intervention through the CBDRP.

In 2019, an increase in the admission of plea bargaining of 1,991 as compared to 1,356 from previous year was reported, while voluntary submission with court order has declined by 13.24%. The percent decrease in voluntary submission with court order could be attributed to the individuals who opted to voluntarily surrender to the community and result of assessment shows that more drug users need only intervention through the CBDRP.

Demographic profile

Eighty-nine percent (89.02%) of the 2019 admission cases are males, around eleven percent (10.46%) females, and an insignificant percentage among them are LGBT (0.52%). The ratio of male to female is 9:1, with a mean age of 32 and a median of 33 years old. The youngest is 7 while the eldest is 68 years old. The highest percentage belongs to age group of 40 years old and above with twenty-seven percent (27.13%).

Almost half (49.28%) of the total admitted cases are single while twenty-six percent (25.54%) are married. Those who have live-in partners reached twenty-one percent (21.10%), and the rest are either widow/er, separated, divorced and annulled (4.07%).

As to educational attainment, twenty-eight percent (27.99%) of the center clients have attained high school level, followed by those who have graduated in high school (19.11%) and those who have reached college level at nineteen percent (18.71%).

The average monthly family income, as reported by the clients, is more than thirteen thousand pesos (Php 13,695.65).

With regard to the status of employment, those employed (either workers/employees or businessman and self-employed) comprised fifty-five percent (55.31%) while those unemployed totaled to thirty-nine percent (39.45%). Around five percent (5.20%) of clients are students (3.65%) while 1.55% are out-of-school youth. However, a few (0.04%) did not disclose their status of employment.

About thirty-two percent (32.41%) of the reported cases are residing in the National Capital Region prior to confinement, while almost fifteen percent (14.92%) are residents of Region 4-A or CALABARZON.

As regards to the age when client first tried drugs, thirty-eight percent (38.21%) belong to the age bracket of 15 to 19 years old. Forty-four percent (43.85%) claimed that they have taken drugs 2 to 5 times a week while around twenty-one percent (20.55%) on a weekly basis.

Most Commonly Abused Drugs

Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, commonly known as “Shabu” remains to be the main drug of abuse comprising ninety-four percent (93.72%) of the total admission. This is followed by Cannabis (Marijuana) at twenty-three percent (22.59%), and Contact Cement (Rugby) with less than one percent (0.73%). Mono drug use is still the nature of drug taking and the routes of administration are inhalation/sniffing and oral ingestion.



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