The Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) participated in the 17th ASEAN Drug Monitoring Network (ADMN) Operational Meeting, organized by the Office of the Narcotics and Control Board (ONCB) and the ASEAN Narcotics Cooperation Center (ASEAN-NARCO).
Leading the Philippine delegation was the National Focal Point, DDB Assistant Secretary Maria Belen Angelita Matibag, accompanied by key focal points for Demand Reduction. Joining the delegation were our partners from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, representing the Supply Reduction Group.
The meeting assembled experts in data management and drug supply and demand from across ASEAN member states. Also in attendance were representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, ONCB Minister Counselors and Strategy Bureau, and the Thailand Substance Abuse Academic Network (SAAN). The meeting focused on enhancing the exchange of information regarding illicit drug transactions between dealers and users, aiming to refine data on drug-related issues for the ADMN Report.
The DDB’s continued support of international drug monitoring efforts reaffirms its dedication to collaborative approaches in addressing global drug challenges through the sharing of critical information and contributing to the refinement of strategies with regional and international counterparts.
#DangerousDrugsBoard #BagongPilipinas