The Dangerous Drugs Board supports women empowerment and gender sensitivity through providing Gender and Development (GAD) Training to its employees. It also adopted the principles of GAD in its system. A Technical Working Group (TWG) for GAD was established to facilitate gender mainstreaming.
The TWG is tasked to aid the Human Resource Section in the development and implementation of the agency’s programs on women empowerment and gender equality.
GAD Training Programs
Representatives of DDB GAD TWG attended the GMEF Orientation with attached agencies of sectoral Key Implementing Agencies (KIAs) held at Hive Hotel and Convention Place on 18 February 2020
Members of the TWG also attended a Training on the Formulation of DDB GAD Agenda for CY 2021-2025 held at Privato Hotel on 30 January – 1 February 2020.
GMEF Refresher Orientation
The 1-day Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) Refresher Orientation was held last 30 March 2021 virtually, via Zoom platform hosted by the Philippine Commission for Women-Sectoral Coordination (PCW-SCD), attended by various government agencies.
Three (3) DDB GAD GFPS members attended this orientation, namely, Ms. Rebecca F. Arambulo, OIC-PSRSD, Ms. Corazon P. Mamigo, Statistician III, and Ms. Ma. Corazon A. Ramarama, Planning Officer III. The objectives of which is to familiarize GFPS members of agencies on the objectives, benefits and actual application process of the GMEF tool.
The agencies were given pointers in the application of GMEF before, during and after GMEF assessment; during and after GMEF validation. They were also taught how to translate gaps identified in the GMEF as gender issues that can be addressed in the GAD Plans and Budgets and GAD Agenda.
The assigned PCW-SCD Officer for the DDB is Mr. Amerson Aguinaldo, where submission of DDBs GMEF Assessment Results and Validation of Ratings, as well as technical assistance could be referred